About the courses / What to expect

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Facility use, owner

Breathing in classroom

Why take courses from Get Outdoors?

More questions, down to specifics:

1. is there a fridge at the dojo so that I can offer parents to send kids with a lunch that can be refridgerated if need be?

2. is there a cold/hot water machine there so water/tea/hot water for instant soup etc. can be offered?

3. if you were to bring any kind of snacks or drinks in, can they be sold in the classrooom just non chalantly with a change jar sort of thing? Even a donation jar for baked goods, just wondering.

4. Are the certificates that they’re issued upon completion emailed, printed, brought and signed and given out there? 

5. Can you offer a photo op with either you or their certificates at the end of the day, and ask them if its okay to post them on social media with a “I did it! or I’m a certified Babysitter” ?

6. Can I say there’s ample parking at the dojo and its free?

7. Is the classroom an actual classroom or a training area that is converted to one? (wondering why no shoes)

8. Is the building air conditioned?

9. Are you allowed to play music on a sound system if you provide it? (I will be investing in my own tech kit/headset mic so we can share, and I highly recommend it, I use it for groups of 10 or more)

10. would there be other classes or anything going on at the dojo over that weekend during the course? 

11. Can I or you ask Sensei if he would like to offer a discount coupon for course students who might try a jiu jitsu class? I will write a tentative email for him for you to edit/forward if you want

12. Will you provide a bag to hold the manuals and anything else they take home? I am totally down with making up goodie bags for successful participants that they don’t get to see unless they ‘pass’

13. Can you have one little contest for one or two inexpensive freebies like bandaids or dollar store first aid kits so that I can say there will be prizes?

14. Is there anything else that can be purchased extra at the classroom that I can tell people to bring extra change for or include with registration fee?

15. When people are ready to register, should I send them an invoice with the logo, sum total and the HST broken down on there with a thanks at the bottom, or just give them your PayPal link and email for E-transfer? And which email do you want to accept those through, your personal one? I’ll do an experimental one through each plus your PayPal and make sure it works.

16. do you need graphics or documents written up or designed for use in the classroom, like a custom course sheet with your logo? If you want me to type up or edit/rewrite anything in different words, go ahead and send it over.

17. How do you feel if someone wants to send both of their children into a course and one is too young? I assume that’s a grey area. 

18. What exactly does your teaching ‘kit’ consist of? 

19. I’m just thinking of another question here to give you more work for having given me more work scrolling through your very quick answers to the last questions.. okay, can we guarantee that the courses will run if there’s only a few people registered by the week prior to the 24th? Are you still willing to do it if there’s 2-3 students or do you know where you break even? 

I personally would guarantee and still run the course and eat the loss to maintain integrity of the business, and invite the kids and their friends last minute to come along in order to fluff up the class and provide the same environment for those who registered. Let me know what you think. I haven’t mentioned anything yet, but for example, how would you feel if I invited three of my sister’s kids (12, 14, 15) to participate for a discount provided they help, contribute or take photos? Just an idea to help ensure fuller classes for you.

20. Are you not considering a tentative September date just to see if there’s enough interest? Because for marketing purposes, that’s a long dry stretch between events to advertise for, and you can always just ‘say’ the next course is in September so that I can promote your courses as being monthly like they’ll be eventually. Who knows, if enough people sign up for the september one than it will have been worth it to advertise. I know its a crazy month for you and you want to devote weekends to renos. Its just for business/image purposes, so just let me know if I can mention tentative September dates and make you look better.

21. Thanks for getting your business license registered!  Do you know what the next step is for legitimizing Get Outdoors? I noticed you gave it a big long legal name..   Is it okay to say that you work with various companies around the province who all offer the same Red Cross courses, and you simply offer them at an independent location while you’re securing your own partnership, but certification for students is exactly the same, just that your courses are maybe a bit more cost-effective and taught by your own methods with your own ‘flair’? 

which courses or paperwork do you have to ‘file back’ to red cross? In other words, how much of the material can you tweak and customize and redbrand for Get Outdoors?

you need to get a business license number, especially considering you’re going solo at the moment

can we offer one price for taking both courses if you’re in a certain age bracket?

could public facilities be approached to host your courses and offered an incentive or an inclusive option that combines whatever they offer with yours / discounted, separate so that you can get them more attendance and host your program for free or better yet a percentage of your profit based on number of students therefore itd be in their best interest to help advertise and bring up numbers?

how in your own words does teaching babysitting or first aid get one outdoors more?  (need it spelled out for future fire putting out)

have you ever been top or first in anything? at the dojo, maybe in the category of the best 25% of a course with marks you did, things like that, I didnt mean like a trophy or medal, maybe you have a skill you do faster than anyone, or earned a black belt in a certain amount of time or know a certain number of techniques that sounds cool. I want stuff like that.

you have no handouts for the course?!  Do you want some?  Even a bookmark made would be better than nothing!  Stickers can be quickly made up, and anything given can be promised beforehand as a way of showing they are getting ‘something’ tangible for their money. You have to lose first to win later. I would be more generous as you start to build on your reputation, go above and beyond all other courses – you want these kids and parents to talk to their friends about you and toot your horn so that you get heard about and recommended, that is the absolute best way to market yourself by kissing the asses of your students, its true, nothing beats word of mouth. Thats why I asked if I can order some merch through your card, because its the least you can offer.  But I can help you make up a sexy handout or pocket-sized reference card that might cost 85 cents each but its a take home advertisement that if looks good will be shared/kept.

can you tell me how you feel you are an advocate of how a person should be that you are teaching; are you an example or embodiment of what you are trying to help others become?  how so?  Tell me how you tailor your lifestyle and take precautionary measures for yourself to maintain your health, safety, well being, etc.  I am still struggling with a bio on you but I need one to sell you as the best instructor that others should choose over anyone else. I said, in the courses I see online there is not even a mention of who is teaching them, and that’s the first thing I do when I go into a place or register for a course – I want to know who’s in charge and if they are someone I would want as a role model, or else I wouldnt be interested in learning what they have to teach

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